Spring-Alutiiq Word of the Week

Spring — Ugnerkaq Ugnerkartuq awa’i. – Spring is here. Spring is an unpredictable season in the Kodiak Archipelago. Some years,…
Spring — Ugnerkaq Ugnerkartuq awa’i. – Spring is here. Spring is an unpredictable season in the Kodiak Archipelago. Some years,…
Hungry — Kaigluni Kaiyaqameng kenirtaartut. – When people are hungry they cook. Throughout northern environments, late winter and early spring…
KODIAK, Alaska—The Alutiiq Museum has added a kanaglluk—gutskin jacket to its permanent collections. Created by Sugpiaq artist June Pardue, the…
Urine — Etquq Cuumi tan’urat etquat aturtaakait. – They used to use boys’ urine before. Across Alaska, Native people used…
Bear — Taquka’aq Taquka’at yugnitaaraat, “Suk.”, Taquka’at niugnitaaraat, “Suk.” – Bears always say “Person.” The brown or grizzly bear (Ursus…
Laundry — Iqaiyat Nukallpiat iqaiyaneq pingaktaan’tat. – Men don’t like to do laundry. The Alutiiq word for laundry comes from…
Trail, Road — Aprun, Apruteq Kuingtua aprutkun. – I am walking down the trail. Across the Kodiak Archipelago, trails help…
Anchor — Kicaq Kicaq agtunartuq. – The anchor is heavy. Before the availability of metal tools, Alutiiq people fashioned anchors…
Paint, Color — KRaasirluni KRaasiyaqa maaskaaqa. – I am painting my mask. Painted designs are the final artistic touch on…
Gain Awareness — llangarlluni Carliaqa llangllarngauq. – My child is aware. Why do toddlers like to say, “No!”? The answer…