Jumper-Alutiiq Word of the Week-June 11th

Jumper — Aq’alaq Aq’alartut iluani. – There are jumpers inside (the seine). Jumping salmon are a conspicuous sign of summer…
Jumper — Aq’alaq Aq’alartut iluani. – There are jumpers inside (the seine). Jumping salmon are a conspicuous sign of summer…
Grasses — Weg’et Weg’et kiagmi anglitaartut. – The grass grows tall in the summertime. More than sixty-five varieties of grasses…
Chignik — Cirniq Cirnimen aglita. – Let’s go to Chignik. The salmon-rich Chignik region of the southern Alaska Peninsula is…
Swan — Qugyuk Qugyut qat’rtarut. – The swans are white. The tundra swan (Cygnus columbianus), a common visitor to Kodiak’s…
Overflow (to) — Ullq’rlluni Caskan ullq’rtuq.—Your cup is overflowing. The Alutiiq verb ullq’rlluni, to overflow, is typically used to describe something…
Weatherman — Llaatesurta Llaatsurtaallriit. – They used to be weathermen. Long before marine radios, the nightly, television weather report, weather…
Long-Tailed Duck — Aaraliq Aaralit amlertut ikani.—There are a lot of long-tailed ducks over there. The long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis) is…
Real People-Sugpiat Guangkuta “Sugpianek” ap’rtaakiikut cuumi, nutaan ap’rtaaraakut Alutiit. – They used to call us Sugpiaq before, but now we…
Morning-Unuaq Unuami ilait suuget kuufiarturtaartut.—Some people always drink coffee in the morning. The Alutiiq word unuaq means morning, but on Kodiak many…
Ruuwarluni – Arrow Game (verb) Tamamta ruuwartaallriakut Paaskaami. – We used to all play bow and arrow at Easter time.…