Black Eye-Alutiiq Word of the Week-February 12th

Mal’ugnek segnengq’rtua, kinam tenglukiinga! – I got two black eyes, somebody hit me! There are many ways to get a…
Mal’ugnek segnengq’rtua, kinam tenglukiinga! – I got two black eyes, somebody hit me! There are many ways to get a…
Slave — Metqaq AMLESQANEK METQANGQ’RTUQ. – HE HAS A LOT OF SLAVES. Like their Tlingit and Aleut neighbors, Alutiiq people…
Wife-Nuliq Nulingr’tua.– I’ve got a wife. Everyone in Alutiiq society was expected to marry. Although marriages were not typically arranged,…
The Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College have transferred ownership of an Alutiiq/Sugpiaq kayak to the Alutiiq Museum, a tribal…
Caribou, Reindeer-Tuntuq Tuntumek piturlita. – Let’s (all) eat some reindeer. Today, caribou (Rangifer tarandus) are only present in substantial numbers…
Starring — Slaawirluni Rausistuami slaawirtaartukut. – At Russian Christmas time we go starring. Each January, the Russian Orthodox faithful in…
Cursing / Cussing — Qanerluni, Qan’rluni Katallrianga kesiin qanernilngua! (N), Katallrianga kesiin qan’rnilngua! (S) – I fell but I didn’t…
Ice Skate — Kungkiq, Kankiiq Cuumi kungkirtaallianga unuk nangpiarluku iraluwakan. – Before, I used to ice skate all night sometimes…
Tooth-Guuteq Guutaiyataallianga mikcama. – I used to have tooth aches all the time when I was small. You can tell…
Ancestors — Cuumillat, Cuuliallrat, Cuulirat Cuumillat lisngataallit. – The ancestors were very learned. Concepts of time differ between societies. Western…