Cursing/Cussing-Alutiiq Word of the Week-January 8th
Cursing / Cussing — Qanerluni, Qan’rluni Katallrianga kesiin qanernilngua! (N), Katallrianga kesiin qan’rnilngua! (S) – I fell but I didn’t…
Cursing / Cussing — Qanerluni, Qan’rluni Katallrianga kesiin qanernilngua! (N), Katallrianga kesiin qan’rnilngua! (S) – I fell but I didn’t…
Ice Skate — Kungkiq, Kankiiq Cuumi kungkirtaallianga unuk nangpiarluku iraluwakan. – Before, I used to ice skate all night sometimes…
Tooth-Guuteq Guutaiyataallianga mikcama. – I used to have tooth aches all the time when I was small. You can tell…
Ancestors — Cuumillat, Cuuliallrat, Cuulirat Cuumillat lisngataallit. – The ancestors were very learned. Concepts of time differ between societies. Western…
Beaded Headdress Arya’aq nacartumauq. – The girl is wearing a beaded headdress. Alaska Natives in communities from interior Alaska to…
The Alutiiq Museum has released the fourth edition of its popular Alutiiq Traditions book. Written by staff, this paperback publication provides…
Yeast — StRausiq (N), StRuusiq (S) StRausircunituq. – It smells like yeast. Yeast is a single-celled microorganism, a type of…
Eggs-Manit Manigsurciqukut. – We’re going to look for eggs. Bird eggs are a favorite spring food in Alutiiq communities. Each…
Gun-Nutek Taatillka nutengq’rtaallia. – My late father always had a gun. The Alutiiq word for gun, nutek, comes from the verb nutegluku,…
Aiaktalik Island — Angyaartalek Angyaartalek sugyataallia cuumi. – There used to be a lot of people at Aiaktalik Island. Aiaktalik…