Salvage-Alutiiq Word of the Week-October 31
Salvage-Pukuk Allrani suu’ut caqainek pukugtaartut. – Sometimes people salvage some stuff. Pukuk is an Alutiiq word that has made its way…
Salvage-Pukuk Allrani suu’ut caqainek pukugtaartut. – Sometimes people salvage some stuff. Pukuk is an Alutiiq word that has made its way…
Laugh — Englarluni Humor is an important form of communication. It relieves tension, helps people express their frustrations, and builds…
Loon Uyaqurtulit ikegtaartut. – There’s not many loons. Alaska is home to all five of the world’s species of loons…
Alaska– Alas’kaaq Guangkuta Alas’kaarmiu’at. – We are all Alaskans. Unangam Tunuu, the Native language of the Aleutian Island chain, is the…
Fish Head– Iqallum Nasqua Tang’rk’gka Iqallum nasqua suupami! – I saw a fish head in the soup! From Chile to China…
Cheater, Trickster– Iqlluwista Iqlluwingnaqaaten. – He is trying to cheat you. Things are not always as they seem! This is a…
Teacher– Litnauwista, Uciitilaq Litnauwistarpet asirtuq. – Our teacher is good. Western-style teachers became part of the Kodiak landscape in the…
Bumblebee – Uuqutiiq Uuqutiit amlertut suitkaani. – There are a lot of bees on the flowers. Bumblebees play an important…
Splash It– Ciqiluku Yaamat ciqiki. – Splash the rocks. It’s Saturday evening and curls of smoke drift from the small shed…
Wick–Kumaq Kumaq kuakaskameng tamleritaartuq. – The wick always gets black after it burns. Stone lamps filled with sea mammal oil once…