Night-Alutiiq Word of the Week
Night — Unuk Agyat akirtaartut unugmi. – The stars are bright at night In the northern hemisphere, the autumnal equinox…
Night — Unuk Agyat akirtaartut unugmi. – The stars are bright at night In the northern hemisphere, the autumnal equinox…
Aleut Town — Nasqualek Cuumi suuget Nasqualegmi etaallriit. – People used to live in Aleut Town. Afognak Village grew from…
Blanket — Ulik Una ulik aturnirtuq. – This blanket is comfortable. Before the introduction of western mattresses and blankets, Alutiiq…
Cook — Kenirluni, Uuceslluku Nulima keniyaskiinga akgua’aq sitiin’kamek. – My wife cooked me pork chops last night. Food traditions are…
Buy — Igu’urluku KaaRamek igu’ullianga. – I bought a car. Before the development of a western cash economy, Kodiak’s Alutiiq…
Filipino — Filipiinaq Filipiinat taitaallriit kiagmi pekcaturluteng kaanaRimen. – The Filipino people used to come in the summer to work…
Starfish — Agyaruaq Agyaruat irurtuut. – Starfish have many legs. Sea stars, commonly known as starfish, are abundant, colorful residents…
Battered Thing — MuRutuumasqaq Unaqaq yaamaq giinangq’rtuq. – This pounded rock has a face. muRutuumas Alutiiq people crafted stone into…
Pet — Qungutuwaq Qungutuwangq’rtua. – I have a pet. Qungutuwaq is the Alutiiq word for a tame animal. It likely began…
Braided Seal Gut — Qiluryaq Taugkut qiluryat ekllinartut. – Those braided seal gut look delicious. Visitors to Kodiak often ask…