Round-Alutiiq Word of the Week-April 29th
Akarngaluni–Round Mayaciik akagngauq.–The ball is round. In the Alutiiq language, the suffix -sqaq, meaning “thing,” can be added to an…
Akarngaluni–Round Mayaciik akagngauq.–The ball is round. In the Alutiiq language, the suffix -sqaq, meaning “thing,” can be added to an…
A $5,000 grant to the Alutiiq Museum from The CIRI Foundation will support the development of Coloring Alutiiq, a coloring…
The Alutiiq Museum has hired Kate Schaberg as its Special Projects Coordinator. Schaberg will manage the development of the Alutiiq…
Ungalarmiut–Prince William Sound People Ungalarmiut yaksigtut.–People of Prince William Sound are far from here. Prince William Sound lies at the…
Sun’aa’aq–Young Person, Teen Sun’aa’rausqak Nuniami et’aarllriik.–These two, young people were in Old Harbor. All human societies recognize the teenage years…
Aratukaq (N); Puwisaq (S)–Rainbow ARatukamek tang’rakameng suut nata agayuliteng.–When you see a rainbow, you’re to make a sign of the…
A red cedar quiver will be added to the Alutiiq Museum’s gallery displays this week. The nineteenth-century piece is a…
Kulic’aaq–Easter Bread Paas’kaami kulic’aalitaartut.–At Easter they always make Easter bread. Kulic’aaq is the Alutiiq word for the sweet bread baked,…
The Alutiiq Museum has hired Maggie Christofferson to staff its reception desk. Christofferson, who joined the museum’s team this week,…
Cuukiiq–Socks Cuukii’itua!–I have no socks! In the past, Alutiiq people often went barefoot. A historic account from Karluk tells of…