Study-Alutiiq Word of the Week-March 11

Litnaurluni–Study Litnauryugtuci-qaa?–Do you all want to study? The study of Alutiiq heritage has changed dramatically in the past three centuries.…
Litnaurluni–Study Litnauryugtuci-qaa?–Do you all want to study? The study of Alutiiq heritage has changed dramatically in the past three centuries.…
Amikuruaq (N), Utguiruaq (S)–Squid Amikuruanek piturtaartut cali.–Squid are eaten too. Squid, with their streamlined bodies and tentacled appendages, are cephalopods,…
Caskaq–Cup Sarsataartukut caskagunk aturluku.–We drink our tea using a cup. Some historians believe that 1840 was a pivotal moment in…
Salam inua–Shell’s Inside (Abalone; Mother of Pearl) Salat inuat rirtut.–Shell insides are shiny. The Pinto Abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) is a…
Kaugya’at naut’stagwit.–Fox Farm (place to grow foxes) Kaugya’at naut’starwiat et’llria Long Island-mi.–There used to be a fox farm on Long…
Akilingnaq’sqat–Corporation Akilingnaq’sqat angsinartut akilingnaqlluteng.–Some corporations are big and they are trying to make money. Forty years ago, the Alaska Native…
Sugpiat–Real People “Sugpianek” ap’rtaakiikut cuumi, nutaan ap’rtaaraakut Alutiit–They used to call us Sugpiaq before, but now we are called Alutiiqs.…
Nanwam suugii–Lake Person / Mermaid Suuget ilait niu’uqurtaarait Nanwam suugi ell’uni.–Some people always talk about there being a ‘lake person.’…
Cuknaq–Hole Cuknangq’rtuq ulugken.–Your pants got a hole. The tools of classical Alutiiq society were often complex, featuring many parts. A…
Tamuuliciqukut uksurpailan.–We will make dry fish before the winter. Winter in the Kodiak Archipelago quickly follows summer. As the days…