Alutiiq Word of the Week, February 16, 2014
Perlluku – Bend Qupuraq pertaa. – He bent the wood (just now); He is bending the wood. (Click to sentence…
Perlluku – Bend Qupuraq pertaa. – He bent the wood (just now); He is bending the wood. (Click to sentence…
Caugnga’istaq – Acupressurist Una arnaq caugnga’istaq. – This woman is an acupressurist. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken) Although…
Pingayun – Three Pingayunek carliangq’rtua. – I have three children. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken) Counting is a…
Angqiarlluni – Injury; Hurt (suddenly) Paluqakamta angqiartaartukut. – When we fall down we injure ourselves. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq…
Auk – Blood Ilait auk aliktaarait. – Some people are scared of blood. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken.)…
Aapit; Aapitniiq – Alphabet Nutaan Alutiit aapit liitapet. – Now we are learning the Alutiiq alphabet. (Click sentence to hear…
Uluranaq – Danger TRaapat allrani uluranartaartut. – Ladders are always dangerous. (Click sentence to hear the Alutiiq words spoken.) Danger…
Nasquq – Head Nasquqa allrani anq’rtaartuq. – My head sometimes hurts. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken) Covering the…
Kungkiq; Kankiiq – Ice Skate Cuumi kungkirtaallianga unuk nangpiarluku iraluwakan. – Before, I used to ice skate all night sometimes…
Kasaakaq – Russian Cuumi Kasaakat Sun’ami amlerta’umallriit. – Before in Kodiak there were (reportedly) a lot of Russians. (Click sentence…