Alutiiq Word of the Week, October 6, 2013
Mulut’uuk; Murut’uuk – Hammer Allrani mulut’uuq atu’akamgu aigaqa mulut’uurtaaqa. – Sometimes when I use the hammer I hit my hand.…
Mulut’uuk; Murut’uuk – Hammer Allrani mulut’uuq atu’akamgu aigaqa mulut’uurtaaqa. – Sometimes when I use the hammer I hit my hand.…
Gaaleq – Window PatRiitaq inimauq gaalem caniani. – The picture is hanging next to the window. (Click sentence to hear…
PaRanaq; Pehnaiq – Mountain Goat Maani tang’rtaanitua parananek. – I never see mountain goats around here. (Click sentence to hear…
Sikiaq – Partially Smoked Salmon Ugnerkami iqallut taikata sikialitaartukut. – In the spring when the salmon come, we make the…
Iraluq tuqu’uq (literally, “The moon died.”) – Eclipse Cuumi niugtaallriit, “Iraluq tuqu’uq.” – Before they always used to say “The…
Word of the Week Lesson 16:10 Qalngaa’aq : Crow Qalngaa’aq tan’ertuq. (N); Qalngaa’aq tamlertuq. (S) – The crow is black.…
Qalngaa’aq : Crow Qalngaa’aq tan’ertuq. (N); Qalngaa’aq tamlertuq. (S) – The crow is black. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq Words…
KaRtuugaaq – Potato KaRtuugaarturtaartukut, iqallugmek cali. – We eat potatoes to go with the fish. (click sentence to hear Alutiiq…
Senegneq; Segnew : Black Eye Mal’ugnek segnengq’rtua, kinam tenglukiinga! – I got two black eyes, somebody hit me! (Click sentence…
Word of the Week Lesson 16:7 Iqa’iat – Laundry (plural) Nukallpiat iqa’ineq pingaktaan’tat. – Men don’t like to do laundry.…