Officials with the International Pacific Halibut Commission have proposed to the governments of the United States and Canada a 7.5 percent reduction in catch limits, down to 31,028,000 pounds, from the 2012 quota of 33,540,000 pounds.
Several seafood-related issues, from the Bristol Bay watershed assessment to marine debris cleanup and Chinook salmon run declines, are on the agenda for the 15th annual Alaska Forum on the Environment, Feb. 4-8 in Anchorage.
The issue of water quality standards for cruise ships is back before the Alaska Legislature. Bills introduced by Gov. Sean Parnell would delete a statutory requirement for the cruise ships to comply with Alaska water quality standards at the point of discharge.
As an assessment continues on a drill rig refloated after being grounded off of Kodiak Island and towed to safe haven, officials in charge have developed mitigation strategies to deal with potential impacts to a tanner crab fishery that opened yesterday.