Soon, I begin to feel like there is no point of being here. Why am I here and he isn't? He was just a baby, he didn't deserve it. He needs me. One night when my boyfriend is sleeping I went into the coat closet and hung myself.
On the way to the hotel I got a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. I started screaming for the shuttle driver to turn around and he couldn't. The other people on the shuttle were looking at me. I pushed open the door and jumped onto the street but quickly realized I did […]
My baby had tubes coming out of EVERY part of his body, the top of his head, a few in his chest, his arms, his legs, his stomach-EVERYWHERE. My heart broke and I would not leave his side. Over the next few days he swelled to twice his weight.
In 2007, I thought I had it all. A nice apartment, decent job, a brand new car. I met a guy that I thought was perfect (that will be another story), and we soon decided to have a child. I got pregnant quickly and things were great. When I fist heard the baby's heartbeat I […]