Joslin Researchers Find ‘Good Fat’ Activated by Cold, Not Ephedrine
Finding Could Help Fight Obesity Epidemic
Finding Could Help Fight Obesity Epidemic
GLENVIEW, – An investigational cannabinoid therapy helped provide effective analgesia when used as an adjuvant medication for cancer patients with pain that responded poorly to opioids, according to results of a multicenter trial reported in The Journal of Pain, published by the American Pain Society,
Family members of children with a staph infection often harbor a drug-resistant form of the germ, although they don’t show symptoms, a team of researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has found.
EAST LANSING, Mich. — If lower-income mothers want kids with healthy diets, it’s best to adopt healthy eating habits themselves and encourage their children to eat good foods rather than use force, rewards or punishments, says a Michigan State University study.