WASHINGTON — On Thursday, Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass), along with 70 other House Democrats, called on Speaker John Boehner and President Obama , to eliminate the tens of billions of dollars in tax breaks and loopholes given to the oil and gas industry as part of any fiscal cliff compromise.
U.S. technology entrepreneur John McAfee has been arrested in Guatemala for illegally entering the country, where he fled to avoid questioning in Belize about the murder of his neighbor.
Bystanders atop a multi-story parking garage at the Brussels airport were stunned by the actions of Branislav Milinkovic on Tuesday night. Milinkovic, Serbia's ambassador to NATO, casually walked over to the edge of the building, climbed over and plunged to his death.
In response to a request by the Turkish government, NATO has formalized its decision to deploy the Patriot Missile defense in Turkey. That request was first placed in October after Syrian shells fell on Turkey's side of the border.