CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA-The many of the nation's eyes shifted focus from the Iowa Straw poll today to the state of South Carolina as Texas Governor Rick Perry announced his candidacy for the Presidency of the United States.
AFGHANISTAN-Five U.S. soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb less than a week after the tragic shoot-down of an American chopper and a day after news was released of the death of the man responsible.
NEW YORK-In the first trading day since the recent downgrade announced last week by S&P, and their downgrade of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac this morning, the markets fell as expected. By mid-day, the Dow was at -417.66. The downward fall increased as the day progressed. The day ended with a drop in the Dow […]
GENEVA-As the crackdown by the Syrian Government against its own people continues unabated, a group of United Nations human rights experts today renewed their call for an immediate end to the violence used by the authorities against ongoing protests.