If anyone gives you a Barnes & Noble gift card, be sure to cash it in by the end of the year. This may be the last year that Barnes & Noble bookstores remain open. It’s bad news for people who love books. It’s worse news for the next generation of readers, who may […]
OK, this will be short. Really. I’ve spent the week writing a detailed document on how the oil giveaway passed last year requires nothing from oil companies in return for their billions in Alaska tax breaks.
ANCHORAGE: Opponents of Proposition 1 are running a misleading push poll designed to confuse Alaskans about the upcoming referendum. In contrast to the push poll, the only unbiased poll shows most Alaskans support Proposition 1, which would repeal the Oil Giveaway. Public support for Proposition 1 is strong despite an unprecedented, oil-funded ad campaign featuring […]