A standing room only crowd watched Senator Bill Wielechowski and long-time Alaska economist Gregg Erickson easily win the oil tax debate last night, hosted by Alaska Common Ground at the Wilda Marston Theatre in the Loussac Library. Senator Wielechowski and Mr. Erickson repeatedly pointed out that under ACES, Alaska saw record oil investment, record numbers of […]
Byron Mallott, candidate for governor, Thursday called for a public-private partnership to help keep seniors and Alaskans with disabilities in their homes as long as possible. “There’s no question that it’s best for Alaskans and best for cost-savings,” said Mallott. “The state has twelve studies on the shelf about long-term care in Alaska, yet it […]
Juneau, Alaska – The Sealaska board of directors announced their endorsement of Mark Begich for U.S. Senate; Byron Mallott for Governor of the State of Alaska; and Sam Kito III as Representative for House District 32. Sealaska studies and identifies candidates who are best qualified to contribute to thriving communities in Southeast Alaska and to the […]
Senator Lisa Murkowski issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s signing of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, a measure that she co-sponsored: “The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is a step in the right direction in terms of getting our economy back on track and improving job prospects for those who have been […]