WASHINGTON-As Iowans gather at the polls today to vote on their choice of nominee to the 2012 Presidential election, President Obama is working to slowly re-invigorate the supporters who placed him in the nation's highest elected seat in 2008.
American Right To Life calls it politics as usual when Ron Paul tried to mislead pro-life voters by signing a pledge that he actually rejects. Just in time for the 2012 Iowa caucuses Paul pledged that he will "endorse legislation to make clear that the 14th Amendment protections apply to unborn children." But then he […]
IOWA-A new ad is showing in Iowa this week as the Republican Caucus inches closer and closer to the poll date. This newest, released by Mitt Romney, promises to shrink government and do away with the Obama administration's healthcare law.
AMES, Iowa — A new Iowa State University/Gazette/KCRG poll of 333 likely Iowa Republican caucus goers finds Ron Paul in the top spot among GOP presidential candidates with 27.5 percent, followed closely by Newt Gingrich with 25.3 percent. Paul's lead over Gingrich is within the poll's margin of error at plus or minus 5 percentage […]