BETHEL-Conan Murat has a tough schedule. About every other week he packs up a portable dental office, checks his groceries, sleeping bags and other supplies, then he flies to one of his 13 assigned remote villages in the Yukon-Kushkokwin Delta.
SAVOONGA-Native leader and former president of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, Caleb Pungowiyi passed away yesterday, July 25th, from cancer at the age of 69. He chaired the ICC from 1992 until 1995.
Today's rural article is a continuing look at Kivalina. Last week we posted work titled, "Relocating Alaska Natives: The Climate is Changing Faster Than Disaster Management and Adaptation Policies," from Christine Shearer, today we continue with her and bring to you the Introduction of her new book, "Kivalina: A Climate Change Story," published by Haymarket […]
In 2008, I took a tiny cargo plane to the Inupiaq village of Kivalina, in the northwest of Alaska above the Arctic Circle. I had heard the village would be lost to climate change from erosion, which I imagined to be a slow, gradual, and predictable process.