Grayling Woman Arrested on Attempted Arson Charges after Setting Propane Tank on Fire

Grayling Woman Arrested on Attempted Arson Charges after Setting Propane Tank on Fire

A Grayling woman was arrested on multiple charges after lighting up a propane tank outside of a Grayling residence on June 23rd, the trooper dispatch revealed on Monday. According to the report, 25-year-old Tiffany Ann Maillelle was arrested by Aniak-based troopers on June 23rd, following a report of Attempted Arson. Troopers say Maillelle set fire […]

Stebbins Man Arrested on Assault, Burglary Charges

Stebbins Man Arrested on Assault, Burglary Charges

Unalakleet-based troopers reported an arrest on multiple charges of assault and other charges in the community of Stebbins that occurred on Friday. According to the report, troopers were notified of assaults committed by 29-year-old Stebbins resident, Richard Hunt. It was reported that Hunt had assaulted a family member, then several citizens, and ultimately a Village […]