JUNEAU-Governor Sean Parnell is fighting the federal government’s recent attempt at regulatory expansion and control under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Parnell detailed Alaska’s concerns with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) expanding their control over private, state, and municipal lands under the agencies’ “Draft Guidance on Identifying […]
ALASKA-The Pebble Limited Partnership has filed an emergency petition with Alaska Superior Court asking for an August 15th decision on the "Save our Salmon" initiative. The initiative's aim is to amend the Lake and Peninsula Borough code to preclude granting permits for mining operations of greater than 640 acres that would give rise to a […]
RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA-Friday, a 12 member jury in Rapid City sentenced Briley Piper to death for his part in the slaying of Chester Poage in March of 2000 in Spearfish. They deliberated for 6 hours before announcing their decision.
TRAPPER CREEK-A mid-air collision above Amber Lake, approximately 12 miles southwest of Trapper Creek, at 2:14pm yesterday claimed the lives of all aboard a Cessna 180 as it crashed and burned according to Meg Peters, Alaska State Troopers spokesperson.