Parnell Withholding Important Oil Tax Information, Gara Calls for Public Release
JUNEAU – Today, Representative Les Gara (D-Anchorage) called on the governor to release information he has withheld regarding the governor’s oil tax legislation.
JUNEAU – Today, Representative Les Gara (D-Anchorage) called on the governor to release information he has withheld regarding the governor’s oil tax legislation.
After 9 days, 7 hours, 39 minutes and 56 seconds, Tanner, a six-year-old husky, the lead dog of Mitch Seavey's sled, led his 10-dog team to victory, crossing over the finish line in Nome at 10:39pm Tuesday night.
Boston, Mass. – Governor Sean Parnell is promoting Alaska seafood during a trip to Boston this week. With more than 19,000 attendees expected, including more than 30 Alaska seafood companies, the Boston Seafood Show is one of the largest seafood exhibitions in North America.
The Alaska House on Tuesday passed a bill correcting the unintentional inclusion of motorcycles in a car rental tax bill passed in 2003.