The Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be chairing a preseason fishery stakeholder’s meeting at the Chignik Lagoon subsistence Building from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide all interested parties an opportunity to discuss the upcoming salmon season with ADF&G staff and related industry.
Topics covered will include:
ï‚· Introductions
ï‚· 2012 sockeye salmon forecast
ï‚· 2012 management strategy
ï‚· 2012 department test fishery
ï‚· Update of the ADF&G smolt enumeration and late-run sonar projects
ï‚· Other topics as time permits
Please contact Todd Anderson at the Chignik weir at 845-2243 or