KODIAK, Alaska — The Coast Guard is preparing for an incoming severe weather system forecasted to impact the Bering Sea and Western Alaska on Friday.
The Coast Guard has forward deployed an Air Station Kodiak MH-60T Jayhawk helicopter crew to a forward operating location in Cold Bay and notified the crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Munro, patrolling near Dutch Harbor with an embarked Air Station Kodiak MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew, to stand by to assist mariners.
“Our highest priority is protecting the safety of life at sea,” said Capt. Joseph Deer, chief of incident management, 17th District. “We are encouraging all mariners to monitor National Weather Service reports and take appropriate safety precautions, such as pulling into a safe harbor or taking shelter in the lee of an island, in order to safeguard their crews.”
The storm is forecasted to impact the Bering Sea and Western Alaska and include winds between 50 and 80 mph and seas in excess of 40-feet.
For more information about current weather conditions in the Bering Sea please visit the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration’s website at www.arh.noaa.gov.