Completed Wasilla Vehicle Theft Investigation Solves Second Months-Old Case

Alaska State Troopers solved a second, months-long stolen vehicle case while investigating a new stolen vehicle case on Friday, troopers report.

Troopers received a report of a stolen red 2000 Chevy 1500 in Sutton on Friday and opened an investigation. As the case unfolded, AST developed a Wasilla man, 29-year-old Rory Vail, as a suspect.

It would be found that Vail, who was on electronic monitoring, had stolen the vehicle, forged the title, then went to DMV and registered the vehicle in his name. AST was able to track Vail’s whereabouts as he carried out his scheme through his ankle monitor. The tracking showed that Vail had been at the Sutton address at the time of the theft. He was also tracked to DMV in Eagle River the same day.

Vail was located with the stolen Chevy on Cattail Drive in Houston and was placed under arrest for Vehicle Theft I, Theft II, violating his conditions of release and Forgery II. 

While on the Houston property, troopers located a second vehicle, a Citation camper, valued at $35,000 that had been stolen from the Valley RV Center in Palmer that was reported stolen on July 10th of this year.

As a result, Vail was further charged with Theft II. He was transported to Palmer and remanded to the Mat-Su Pretrial Facility and held without bail.