Washington, D.C. – Federal property in Tok, Alaska could become the permanent home to the regions’ only behavioral health clinic if legislation introduced by Alaskan Congressman Don Young becomes law. Introduced yesterday, H.R. 2038 would authorize the conveyance of U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) housing facilities, which are no longer of use to the USCG following the 2010 decommissioning of the LORAN Station Tok, to the Tanana Chiefs’ Conference (TCC).
Congressman Young’s legislation comes following the August 2014 closure of the Tok Area Counseling Center, which utilized the USCG’s housing units to operate the areas only behavioral health clinic. Immediately following the closure, TCC expanded its behavioral health services to take over the existing services and clients. The successful transition was heavily dependent on the fact that TCC was able to continue to use the USCG property at no cost, which has allowed scarce resources to directly benefit clients.
“Unfortunately, we are all too familiar with the extreme rates of alcoholism, drug abuse, and domestic violence in our state,” said Congressman Don Young. “This means a growing need for community shelters and clinics to provide safe haven and necessary services to those in need. As demand for these services increases, it’s imperative that the areas’ only behavioral health clinic continues to operate. It is my hope that TCC is able to work with the USCG and Indian Health Service to acquire this property, but there are no assurances in the public disposal process.”
“Given the important role this facility plays and the fact that the USCG is no longer in need of these facilities, I have proposed a fair market value legislative conveyance to TCC to ensure the continued operations of this clinic,” Young said. “This is mutually beneficial legislation; the USCG can get rid of unused property and the people of the region can continue to receive critical health services.”
Tanana Chiefs’ Conference, a Fairbanks based nonprofit intertribal consortium of federally recognized Alaska tribes, carries out federal health care programs for Alaska Natives, American Indians and others through a funding agreement with the Indian Health Service. As of today, TCC is the only provider of behavioral health services in the region, regardless of race.
Proceeds from the fair market value land conveyance would be deposited into the Coast Guard Housing Fund for the acquisition or construction of military family housing.
Congressman Young will offer his legislation as an amendment to H.R. 1987, the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015, during a House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee markup on Thursday, April 30, 2015.
For full bill text, click here.