Peace Corps Director Aaron S. Williams Tuesday announced that he informed the President of his intention to step down as the head of the international volunteer agency. Director Williams cited personal and family considerations as the reason for his departure. He will conclude his tenure as Director on September 17, 2012.
Williams, who began his Peace Corps career in 1967, was sworn in as the director in 2009.
During his time in the position, Williams has worked to codify reforms, and work for more support for volunteers in the field. He has also worked to improve training for volunteers and staff as well as hiring a victim advocate.
President Obama released a statement on the departure of Williams from his post.
In the statement Tuesday, President Obama said, “From working tirelessly to improve volunteer support to his leadership in reforming and modernizing the agency, Aaron has been a champion of the thousands of remarkable Peace Corps Volunteers serving across the globe. I know the positive change that Peace Corps Volunteers make, and under Aaron’s leadership the agency’s work has been at the forefront of this Administration’s efforts to increase global engagement. I want to extend my thanks to him for his dedicated service and wish him and his family the best.”
Deputy Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet will serve as acting director when Williams leaves the post.