ANCHORAGE, Alaska (FEBRUARY 26, 2021) – Donlin Gold, a long-time sponsor of the Iron Dog race, congratulates all of the 2021 race teams on a safe and successful ride to and from Big Lake. The course is over 2,600 miles through the most challenging winter conditions, testing the survival skills of all who enter the race. The race is inherently challenging but racing in rural Alaska during a pandemic required additional safety precautions in response to COVID-19.
“We know there were extra challenges with COVID this year and we are deeply appreciative of the safety steps taken by all involved. These efforts ensured that each racer and community along the way stayed safe,” said Kristina Woolston, Donlin Gold External Affairs Manager.
Donlin also proudly supports Team 42, made up of Barney Anselment and Amos Cruise, of Takotna and McGrath.
“We really appreciate and are grateful for Donlin sponsoring us, and we wouldn’t have been able to race if it wasn’t for Donlin,” said Barney Anselment. “It’s probably one of the toughest things I’ve ever done in my life, but I’m ready to do it again.”
Anselment and Cruise both have experience as miners, making a partnership with Donlin Gold even more intuitive.
“We already knew we wanted to support Barney and Amos in a meaningful way as they are role models for the Y-K region. Discovering each also has an understanding and appreciation for responsible mining confirmed that it was a perfect match,” said Woolston.
“I support mining 100 percent,” said Anselment. “Having Donlin’s support is so meaningful to me because it combines my passions for snowmachining and placer mining.”