A draft memo written by John Kelly, the Secretary of Homeland Security and obtained by the Associated Press outlines a Trump proposal to mobilize up to 100,000 National Guardsmen to participate in the round-up of unauthorized aliens within the U.S. borders, it is being reported on Friday.
It has been reported by several news outlets that the draft memo has been circulating amongst the staff at DHS for a couple of weeks. Despite concrete evidence its existence, Secretary Kelly denies that it is true, and a DHS spokesman released a statement saying, “The Department is not considering mobilizing the National Guard.”
The White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, took to Twitter to say that, “This is not true. DHS also confirms it is 100% false.”
It is difficult to take the White House denials at face value that the details laid out in the 11-page memo will not be implemented, and it is expected that Trump will dismiss this latest revelation as “Fake News.”
The states that would be targeted include the border states, Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas, and surrounding states, Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon and Utah.
The draft memo was dated the same day that Trump signed the Executive Order on immigration and border security, and as such would supplement the order by serving as guidance for implementation of the order.
The 11-page draft memo can be read and/or downloaded below:
[gview file=”https://alaska-native-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/339605321-Implementing-the-President-s-Border-Security-and-Immigration-Enforcement-draft-memo.pdf” save=”1″]
An unnamed DHS official says that the draft memo was prepared for Kelly, but says that the use of National Guard deployment discussion was dropped. The finalized memo is not yet complete, but is expected to be complete in the near future, the official said.
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