Fairbanks Suspect Attempts to Pull Knife on Arresting Officer

Fairbanks-based troopers report that after a suspect tried to flee and was caught, he attempted to pull a knife on the arresting officer on Wednesday evening.

Troopers attempted to contact 40-year-old Karlton Stewart in Fairbanks, but Stewart tried to flee the officer, troopers managed to catch up to Stewart, but as troopers attempted to arrest him, Stewart tried to pull a knife.

Stewart was ultimately unsuccessful, as the arresting officer countered by tazing him.  Adult Probations requested a search of Stewart. the search “yielded a bag of a white crystalline substance that tested presumptive positive for methamphetamine,” troopers revealed.

Stewart was charged with Attempted Assault on a Peace Officer II, Assault on a Police Officer IV, Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance IV, Probation Violation, Violating Conditions of Release, Resisting Arrest, and Disorderly Conduct.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]Following a visit to the hospital to verify that Stewart was not injured by the tazer, he was transported to the Fairbanks Correctional Facility, and remanded there on the charges.