Fourth Suspect in May Drive By that Injured Two-Year-Old Girl Now in Custody


[dropcap]A[/dropcap]nchorage police announced that with the assistance of the U.S. Marshal’s Service, the fourth of four suspects in the May 21st drive-by shooting that injured a 2-year-old child in midtown Anchorage is now in custody.

APD says that the USMS sent a team, one of which was an APD officer who is also a USMS task force officer to the  Dominican Republic last week where they located 24-year-old Rodger Brito and took him into custody and brought him back to Alaska. Once back in Alaska, he was jailed on charges of Assault I and Misconduct Involving Weapons I.

The third suspect, 26-year-old Darvin Tatis, had also fled to the Dominican Republic but returned back to Anchorage late last year. He was picked up by the Marshal’s Service on December 20th on North Klevin in Mountain View. He has the same charges as Brito.

Two others, 26-year-old David Freeman and 26-year-old Argenis Guzman were arrested in July on charges of Assault I, Assault III, Misconduct Involving a Weapon I, Misconduct Involving a Weapon II, Misconduct Involving a Weapon IV, and Reckless Endangerment. Guzman had an additional charge of Tampering with Physical Evidence leveled against him.

It was on the afternoon of May 21st that APD began receiving calls of a drive-by shooting on East 11th Avenue. The investigation found that two vehicles, a red Dodge Ram and a silver Toyota Camry drove through the neighborhood firing at each other.

A stray bullet from the exchange of gunfire went through the wall of a residence on 11th and struck a two-year-old child, shattering her shoulder blade. The child was hospitalized for her injuries.

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Later that same day, an APD officer conducted a traffic stop on the Dodge and observed a box of 9mm ammo on the center console. A search warrant was requested and granted and the driver was brought in for questioning. The search turned up a spent casing in the front cab area and magazines and ammo.

Less than three hours after the incident, the driver of the Camry ditched the vehicle on North Eagle River Loop and reported it stolen. On May 29th, a call went in to the department reporting a suspicious vehicle. The vehicle was recovered. It had extensive damage to both the interior and exterior.

The APD investigation led to the identities and arrests of the four suspects.