George Zimmerman Continues Efforts to Auction Off Infamous Pistol

Screenshot from, where George Zimmerman first attempted to sell his infamous firearm.
Screenshot from, where George Zimmerman first attempted to sell his infamous firearm.

As of Friday morning, George Zimmerman, the killer of Florida teen, Trayvon  Martin, continues in his attempts to auction off the weapon used in the killing.

The automatic pistol, a Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm, is currently listed on United Gun Group, has garnered a bids as high as $65 million from the spurious identity, “Racist McShootFace.” That account has since been deleted. 

Other bidders with screen names of “Tamir Rice,” the young black preteen shot and killed by Cleveland police and 2014, “Donald Trump,” and “Shaniqua Bonifa” have registered bids on the site, but are undoubtedly equally fake.

A mugshot showing George Zimmerman from Seminole County followiing the shooting of Trayvon Martin.
A mugshot showing George Zimmerman from Seminole County followiing the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

The auction site, United Gun Group, is the second site that Zimmerman has attempted to use to auction off the infamous semi-automatic weapon that he used on February 26, 2012 to shoot kill the black team in Sanford, Florida. The site had previously taken down Zimmerman’s auction offering on Thursday, but by Friday morning it was once again on the site.

Zimmerman posted to the second site after his efforts to auction the weapon at were rebuffed.  That First Site where the listing was user-generated, issued statement after the removal of the item, saying “Our mission is to esteem the 2nd amendment and provide a safe and secure platform for firearms enthusiasts and law-abiding citizens; our association with Mr. Zimmerman does not help us achieve that objective.”

In the listing on both sites, Zimmerman would post “I am honored and humbled to announce the sale of an American Firearm Icon. The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin on 2/26/2012. The gun is a Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm.”[xyz-ihs snippet=”adsense-body-ad”]

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Zimmerman says of the firearm that was used to gun down the 17-year-old unarmed teen who was returning home after buying snacks and a convenience store, “This is a piece of American History.” he continued, writing, “It has been featured in several publications and in current University text books.”

In one post, Zimmerman alleged that the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC had expressed interest in acquiring the firearm, but that institution said in a tweet on Thursday, “We have never expressed interest in collecting George Zimmerman’s firearm, and have no plans to ever collect or display it in any museums.”

Zimmerman’s sale of the weapon is widely seen by the public as an effort to profit from the unfortunate death of Trayvon Martin in 2012. But, Zimmerman says that his intentions are to use the proceeds of the sale to fight violence directed at police officers by the group “Black Lives Matter.” 

He also states that some of the proceeds would be used to “ensure the demise of Angela Correy’s (sic) persecution career.” Angela Corey is the Special Prosecutor appointed by Florida Gov. Rick Scott to try the case against Zimmerman.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adversal-468×60″]