December 7, 2020 (Anchorage, AK) – Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy has proclaimed today, December 7, 2020, as “Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day” in Alaska and issued the following remarks:
“Reflecting on the loss of human life and the destruction of the Pearl Harbor Base that day serves as a stark reminder of the exceptional service and selfless sacrifice of our armed servicemen and women, who risk their lives and personal safety to shield our nation from harm, and preserve our nation’s founding values and liberties.
“Today we pause in commemoration of those who fought and died on December 7, 1941 and we honor their bravery and final sacrifice.
“We are profoundly grateful for members of our nation’s military and their families, who freely risk all for the good of others.”
Governor Dunleavy’s full Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day proclamation can be found here.
Click here for a signed copy of the proclamation.