The University of Alaska Fairbanks’ High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, donated 30 fire extinguishers to the Gakona Volunteer Fire Department in August.
When staff at the Geophysical Institute last year assumed responsibility for administration of HAARP, the new managers decided there were more of the 5-pound CO2 extinguishers than needed.
“We’re going to use some at the fire station for training and we’re going to give some out in the community,” Gakona Fire Chief Jason Severs said. “This being a rural area, there are people here that don’t have fire extinguishers. Anything like this that they can put in their homes, workshops or garages is good.”
Staff at HAARP have worked with with the local fire department before, Severs said. “HAARP is part of the community and we go up there and help them out any time we can.”
The HAARP large antenna array, located about 10 miles north of Gakona on the Tok Cutoff, is used to study the properties and behavior of the ionosphere.
Source: University of Alaska -Fairbanks
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