John Kerry is set to be sworn in as the new Secretary of State today in a private ceremony.
Hillary Clinton has plans to address State Department employees at 2:30 pm Eastern Time this afternoon in the C Street Lobby before she leaves her post. The Secretary’s remarks will be streamed live online.
Although there has been no confirmation, it is widely speculated that Hillary will begin preparations for another run at the presidency in 2016. She ran against President Obama in the primaries of 2008.
John Kerry will assume his position in a long line of Secretaries of State, becoming the 68th Secretary to do so. The first Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson, who was appointed by George Washington in 1789.
Former top aide to Massachusetts Governor Deval patrick will replace John Kerry as Senator from that state in an interim capacity.
Live Stream of Secretray Hillary Clinton as she steps down as Secretary of State. Live 10:30 am Alaska Time.