A hoax has surfaced on the social site Facebook after the huge lottery drawing on Wednesday that netted two winners $588 million. The hoax comes from a Facebook user purportedly named Nolan Daniels.
In a photo posted to the site, the Facebook user is holding up what he claims to be the winning ticket in the huge jackpot won yesterday. posted with the photo is a caption that says, “Looks like I won’t be going to work EVER!!!! Share this photo and I will give a random person 1 million dollars!” The image was posted on Thursday evening. At the time of this posting, 608,547 people have shared the image in the hopes of sharing in his faux earnings.
Although the numbers on the ticket in the image are the same as the numbers drawn in yesterday’s drawing, the ticket in the photo is definitely a poor photoshop image and a hoax. According to the Powerball website’s contact page, tickets are printed with the numbers chosen in numerical order. The numbers on the ticket in the Facebook photo clearly are not.
The hoax is harmless enough, and it will not install viruses or such on your computer by re-posting, it is merely a slightly cruel joke, offering a fake chance for a piece of the lottery winnings.