Homer Man Racks Up Charges after Accident

A Homer man was held without bail in the Homer Jail after an accident on Saturday night at the intersection of the North Fork Road and Cottonwood Drive on the southern Kenai Peninsula.

Troopers responded to the scene after a report came in to DPS of a vehicle in the ditch at that location at 10:07 pm on Saturday night.

When they arrived at the scene, they discovered that the vehicle, a red 2000 Ford Ranger had rolled at least once after it left the roadway and ended up in the ditch.

When contacting the driver of the vehicle, who was identified as 55-year-old Martin A. Reid of Homer, he refused to exit the vehicle. Troopers determined that Reid was intoxicated and forcibly removed him from the vehicle as Reid resisted his removal, according to the trooper dispatch. Neither troopers nor Reid suffered any injuries in the altercation.

After removing him from the vehicle, Reid, who was still being uncooperative with officers and EMS personnel according to troopers, was placed under arrest on DUI charges

Reid was taken to the South Peninsula Hospital in Homer. While there, Reid continued to be unruly and was shouting vulgarities in the presence of other patients. Despite warnings to discontinue his actions, he continued, and so was charged with Disorderly Conduct.

After being checked out at the hospital, Reid was transported to the Homer Jail. When being helped from the patrol vehicle, Reid spit into the face of the arresting officer. Subsequently, Reid was charged with Harassment I.

Inside the police station in Homer, when Reid was asked to provide a breath sample, as required by law, he refused and so was additionally charged with Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test.

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Troopers at the scene would also find a loaded  handgun in Reid’s vehicle prior to impounding it the dispatch stated. Reid was further charged with Misconduct Involving a Weapon IV for having the weapon while being intoxicated.

Further investigation of the vehicle would find that the vehicle had a false registration which included a handmade expiration tag for the license plate.

Reid was remanded to the Homer Jail and held there without bail.

Court records show charging documents pending.