Aliy Zirkle mushed into Nulato, and after seven minutes was back on the trail.
Zirkle pulled into Nulato at 6:13 this morning, and wasting no time, pushed her 14 dogs back to work.
Zirkle momentarily gave up her lead when she took her 8 hour break in Ruby, but now has regained her lead. Dallas Seavey and his 13 dog train, pulled into Nulato an hour and a half later. Zirkle’s layover in Ruby seems to have freshened her zeal as she continues to push ahead and lead the pack from far ahead.
Other mushers have yet to pull into Nulato, although there are 15 on the trail moving quickly in that direction from Galena. Eight more have yet to leave Galena.
As it stands right now, there are effectivly only two in the race. But, the Iditarod is known for unexpected changes.
Alaska Native News will continue to update.