Aliy Zirkle pulls into Galena at 3:53 pm has yet to leave.
On what is looking like an eight hour layover, Aliy Zirkle is in Galena, as the next four leaders of the pack move inexoriably towards her and then perhaps beyond.
Mitch Seavey was the first out of Ruby at 2 pm, his son, Dallas was out a little over an hour later at 3:07 pm. John Baker was gone from Ruby at 4:30 pm, gaining a few precious minutes on Dallas.
In current fourth place, Jeff King pulled out of Ruby at 5:54 pm.
If it plays like it looks, Mitch Seavey will be into Galena before eight this evening and out before Zirkle finishes her time out. as will his son, Dallas.
The rest is up to Zirkle, she will have what looks like third as the evening progresses as she pulls out fresher than the rest from Galena.