Through a comprehensive approach, Tlingit & Haida aims to address the unique needs and challenges faced by tribal youth and families involved in the child welfare system in Washington. Under the terms of the agreement, which recognizes the government-to-government relationship between federally-recognized tribes and the United States, Tlingit & Haida will collaborate closely with DCYF to deliver culturally sensitive and responsive services that prioritize the well-being of tribal children and families.
Tlingit & Haida’s most recent tribal enrollment report shows there are more than 7,000 tribal citizens under the age of 18 and over 1,600 are in the Washington area.
“Tlingit & Haida is deeply committed to ensuring the safety, stability and cultural continuity of our children and families,” said President Chalyee Éesh Richard Peterson. “By partnering with the State of Washington, we have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of tribal youth and families, ensuring they receive the support and resources they need.”
Tlingit & Haida brings to this partnership a wealth of expertise and experience in delivering Child Welfare services that are grounded in tribal sovereignty and self-determination.
“This partnership with the State of Washington reaffirms our shared commitment and Tlingit & Haida’s inherent right to design and operate programs and services that are rooted in our cultural values and guided by the principles of equity, compassion and empowerment,” shared Tlingit & Haida’s Chief Operating Officer Roald Helgesen. “Together, we can better meet the unique needs of families and protect our children’s rights to cultural identity, connection and belonging.”
Through the Tribe’s Family Services Division, Tlingit & Haida strives to strengthen families, reunite children with their relatives and communities, and support positive outcomes for tribal children.
“The effort to establish a contract between Tlingit & Haida and Washington has been noticed nationwide,” shared Family Services Division Director Mary Johnson. “This is the first contract of its kind between Washington and a tribe located out-of-state to assist with child welfare responsibilities. President Peterson’s vision of meeting tribal citizens where they are at has been fully embraced by Washington state partners. They have been progressive and are committed to working with the Tribe. They understand the Tribe’s effort to serve families is more meaningful when we can provide the services and be a part of our tribal children and families’ healing journey.”
Tlingit & Haida has four Child Welfare program staff based out of the Tribe’s Lynnwood office to support tribal families in the Washington area. Through their strong work, advocacy and powerful representation, they have developed a reputation in many counties around Washington that reflects the Tribe’s commitment to safeguard tribal children and families and create system change.
Tlingit & Haida is a federally recognized tribal government representing more than 37,000 Tlingit and Haida Indians worldwide with a mission to preserve our sovereignty, enhance our economic and cultural resources, and promote self-sufficiency and self-governance for our citizens.