A trend'?…that's what I began to wonder when I saw the second harbor seal in a week eating a good sized octopus! Okay, twice, not such a big deal, but when I learned from Libby and Victor out on the boat today that they had seen a harbor seal from shore eating an octopus…humm…this is getting more curious…of course I haven't a clue if that is normal or not, but we're more used to seeing this Harbor Seal eating Salmon.
Are they eating octopus because there are no salmon? The three sightings, so far, were in Haro Strait, one near Battleship Island, one from shore at Lime Kiln and the third today a couple miles from shore near False Bay.
Harbor Seals have been eating octopus on June 3rd from shore, and another Harbor Seal on June 4th as we were returning from Race Rocks.
Are the transients not around so much this year because they don’t like the taste of harbor seals who have been eating octopus, and they prefer harbor seals who have been eating salmon?…that’s a stretch.
But, it’s not a stretch to say there’s not enough salmon for the whales. I hope that will change soon, but if not, we hope the whales are finding plenty of salmon wherever they are. Their survival depends on it, having just lost 3 whales from the Community is sad enough, the thought of losing more because the humans have not been good stewards of the oceans is the worst part.