Kasilof Man Arrested after Bunkhouse Mayhem

burglary investigationTroopers responded to a Kasilof bunkhouse after receiving an early morning call of an attempted burglary and criminal mischief call on Wednesday morning.

A 65-year-old caller reported that another person at the bunkhouse “was screaming, destroying property, and attempting to force his way into the complainant’s room at a bunkhouse in Kasilof,” the trooper dispatch disclosed.

The trooper dispatch further stated that “the complainant fled his bunk room through a window with the assistance of another renter, they both waited outside for AST arrival while other renters reportedly locked themselves in their rooms.”

Troopers responded to the bunkhouse and contacted 33-year-old Kris Kammers of Kasilof inside the building. When they did so, troopers observed that Kammers was under the influence of controlled substances as well as alcohol.

As a result of the trooper investigation, Kammers was charged with Felony Criminal Mischief, Attempted Burglary, and two counts of Disorderly Conduct.

Kammers is due in court for arraignment in the Kenai Courthouse at 10 am on Thursday.

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