Drivers on the Seward Highway saw a pizza delivery car driving erratically along the Seward Highway near mile 52 on Wednesday night just prior to 10 pm..
A caller reported the vehicle’s erratic behavior, relating that the vehicle was swerving and stopping in the middle of the highway.
Alaska State Troopers responded to the REDDI call at 9:58 pm, and went to the mile 52 area of the highway. After their arrival, they discovered that the vehicle had been stolen from an Anchorage business earlier in the evening. It was stopped in the middle of the southbound lane of the Seward Highway.
The driver of the vehicle refused to exit the vehicle and began to travel southbound on the highway. After a brief persuit, troopers were able to stop the vehicle and the driver, now identified as 22-year-old Kenai resident Sean Mills was taken into custody.
Troopers found that Mills, who was under the influence of alcohol, had solen the vehicle in Anchorage and did not have a driver’s license.
>Mills was arrested for Vehicle Theft I, Fail to Stop at the Direction of a Police Officer I, Driving Under the Influence, and Operating a Motor Vehicle Without a Valid Operators License.
Mills was transported to Seward where he was remanded to the Seward jail without bail.