The man accused of killing Samantha Koenig attempted to escape today as he was in an Anchorage Courthouse.
At about 2 pm, as Israel Keye’s defense attorney was speaking to the court about the defense’s position on the timeing of the trial, Keyes somehow freed himself of his leg irons and jumped the rail into the gallery. It is unknown how he freed himself from his leg irons, but Keyes was not handcuffed during the proceedings.
Deputy Marshals in the court room tasered Keyes and quickly brought him back under submission.
The security in the courtroom was more strict than usual and the front row of the gallery had been left vacant for the hearing.
Keyes is charged with killing Samantha Koenig earlier this year after he abducted her as she was working at a coffee kiosk in the Alaska Club parking lot.
Keyes was apprehended in Texas after drawing what was to be randsom money from an account of one of Samantha’s acquaintences.