WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today commented on the release of the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future’s final report on managing the nation’s spent nuclear fuel.
“I’ve been working with Sens. Feinstein, Alexander and Bingaman to find a plan to deal with our nation’s spent nuclear fuel. We have a lot of issues to address – not just the need for a long-term repository, but also transportation safety issues, the federal government’s contractual liability and the need to consolidate and prioritize the existing temporary storage facilities – and I’ll be looking to the commission for guidance as we consider possible legislative action.
“While the commission’s report doesn’t break a lot of new ground, it does offer some solid recommendations for improving U.S. policy, especially the call for the creation of a new organization that’s protected from political influence or annual funding bills to handle nuclear waste disposal. I think that’s an idea that’s overdue, which is why I cosponsored Sen. Voinovich’s Fed-Corp proposal.
“I look forward to hearing from the Blue Ribbon Commission directly when they testify before the energy committee Feb. 2.”
Murkowski is the sponsor of the Nuclear Fuel Storage Improvement Act (S. 1320), which she introduced in the Senate in June. The bill would assist in the creation of interim spent nuclear fuel storage facilities across the country to resolve lawsuits against the federal government for its failure to take title to spent fuel.
Source:Office of Senator Murkowski