A couple from North Pole have been arrested and charged with stealing tip jars from espresso huts in the Fairbanks area to raise money to buy synthetic marijuana according to reports.
The Fairbanks News Miner reported on Monday that North Pole residents Cayla Thorpe, age 21, and Christopher John, age 25, were both charged with two counts of Theft IV for stealing tip jars from Espresso Yourself stands.
The two jar swipers admitted to stealing jars from other coffee establishments throughout the day according to the Miner.
The couple was out trying to raise money to buy the synthetic marijuana labeled Spice. But, according to the two, the business was poor and they were burning more in gas in their endeavor than they were taking in. They found that crime didn’t pay very well.
On October 19th, the first theft report was placed to police at 3:30 pm, a second report went in within the hour at a second store location.
The two would drive up to the window, place an order, and as the barrister was filling their order, they would grab the jar and drive away in their gray Ford Focus. Video surveillance cameras picked up the two culprits however, and the barrister at one location recognized Thorpe as a former high school classmate. Thorpe was picked out in a line-up.
Thorpe and John confessed to hitting a total of eight coffee stands throughout the day. Initially, Thorpe blamed John for the thefts. Apparently, the two collected less than $10 on their day-long spree.