Herron's HJR 34 Asks Congress to Fund Coast Guard's Arctic Mission & Activities
(Juneau) – The Alaska House of Representatives today voted to send a resolution to the Congress urging them to fund the U.S. Coast Guard’s Alaska needs in order to carry out its expanding Arctic missions.
House Joint Resolution 34, sponsored by Rep. Bob Herron, promotes two of the recommendations forwarded by the Alaska Northern Waters Task Force: the need for more Coast Guard Icebreakers and a Coast Guard forward Arctic base. The Task Force met over the last two legislative interims to listen to Alaska’s Arctic residents, educate policy-makers regarding Arctic issues, and formulate recommendations so that Alaska can position itself as a leader of its own Arctic destiny. The Task Force’s final report can be found athttps://anwtf.com.
“We are the United States’ only Arctic state. We have more coastline than any other state or region and the Coast Guard’s role will only grow as activities increase in the Arctic,” Herron, D-Bethel, said. “The Task Force brought together stakeholders from across the state and various governments and interests. HJR 34 formalizes the Task Force’s finding that Icebreakers and an Arctic base are crucial to Alaska’s future, and clearly communicates this finding to the federal government.”
HJR 34 now moves to the Alaska Senate for consideration.