ANCHORAGE – Two new tools are available to help plan your next trip with People Mover: Google Maps now shows real-time People Mover trip info and an innovative application will provide estimated bus arrival times based on your stop via text message.
“Technology and transportation are natural partners and by teaming with Code for Anchorage, People Mover has provided a meaningful improvement to public transit information,” stated Mayor Ethan Berkowitz.
People Mover partnered with Hans Thompson of Code for Anchorage, and Danny Tix an MOA Systems Analyst to improve trip planning by incorporating real-time People Mover bus information into Google Maps. Riders will be able to enter an origin and destination, and be provided with the best estimated route that incorporates the GPS coordinates of People Mover buses.
People Mover started providing transit trip planning via Google Maps in 2014, but only displayed scheduled arrival times. By incorporating real-time location data into the existing transit schedule, Anchorage jumps ahead of most cities its size by providing this new service.
To find the estimated arrival time of buses at a certain stop go to bus.codeforanchorage.org or text the bus stop id # to (907) 312-2060. You can text the cross streets or address to find the 5 closest bus stops, or find the bus stop id # posted at each stop. Text ABOUT to get instructions. This convenient service is provided using the data from the existing bustracker service. No smart phone or data plan is required to use the texting application. This application was developed by Code for Anchorage member, Nigel Kibodeaux, and other members.
To plan a trip, visit People Mover’s home page at www.peoplemover.org or access Google Maps online or through the Google Maps app on a mobile device. Simply enter the necessary information by either address, cross streets, business, or major landmark for the current trip. The window displays several options from which to choose. Each option is calculated based on current bus locations and ETAs of each bus and will show the fastest route option available.
For more information, contact Bart Rudolph at (907) 343-8490.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]