Tok-based troopers responded to the village of Tetlin on Wednesday morning in response to a disturbance there, troopers reported on the trooper dispatch.
As they were conducting their investigation into the incident, they made contact with 38-year-old Anthony Christiansen. After evaluating Christiansen, they determined that he was extremely intoxicated, and decided to place him under protective custody until sober.
But, as they were transporting Christiansen, he began to make threats against the troopers and their families, saying that he was going to kill them. He also challenged the troopers to a fight.
As a result, rather than sleeping it off, Christiansen was charged with Assault III and disorderly conduct.
Christiansen was transported to the Fairbanks Correctional Center. He is due to be arraigned this afternoon. [xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]