REDDI Reports and Chase Result in Early Morning Anchorage Arrest on Multiple Charges

[dropcap]P[/dropcap]olice in Anchorage say that multiple REDDI Reports (Report Every Dangerous Driver Immediately) advising them of a possible drunk driver in a Volkswagen Jetta on Minnesota Drive led to the arrest of the offender on multiple charges early Sunday morning.

APD reports that the first caller reported the Jetta driving at a high rate of speed at Minnesota and Northern Lights Boulevard at 3:14 am on Sunday morning. Shortly thereafter, another caller reported the same vehicle traveling on Minnesota near Raspberry traveling southbound in reverse.

A patrol officer responded to the area and spotted the Volkswagen Jetta going southbound on Minnesota and subsequently activated his lights and siren which the driver, who was later identified as 31-year-old Allen M. Wilson, chose to ignore and turned on to Dimond Boulevard.

Wilson “lost control at the stoplight at the intersection of the Minnesota off-ramp and Dimond Boulevard,” and slid through the red light at the intersection, police said. Wilson corrected and began slowly driving eastbound before accelerating away.

Because the roadway was empty, the officer gave chase. The patrol officer pursued Wilson to Dimond and Arctic where Wilson hit the curb as he was entering a parking lot there. The officer positioned his vehicle to bar Wilson from driving further as another officer pulled in and blocked the Jetta on the opposite side.

“Wilson exited the Jetta but refused to comply with officer commands,” Police said. As a result of his non-compliance, Wilson was taken to ground and cuffed.

Wilson was arrested on charges of Operating under the Influence, Reckless Driving, Eluding, Disobeying a Lawful Order and a stoplight violation. He was transported to the Anchorage Jail and remanded there on the charges.

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