Romney took Illinois easily, as competitors trailed behind.
Yesterday’s race in the Prairie State netted Romney another victory when he took 47% of the vote there.
Romney pushed hard for a victory there and his ad effort in the Lincoln state dwarfed his closest opponent Rick Santorum, who’s gaffs and meager ad presence in the state got him only 35% of the polls. Santorum, despite the lack of a meaningful ad campaign in the state, stumped Illinois very hard with several appearances and a multitude of interviews. In his campaign in the state, Santorum tried hard to play the protest cnadidate part, it did not take hold.
Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul did not really work the state for votes, and it showed. Paul garnered 9% and Gingrich brought up the rear and gathered a meager 8%.
While Romney’s coffers are still heavy, those of his competitors are dwindling, and will continue to do so as Romney continues to gather delegates and make their positions as nominees for president less likely. Whether they can hold out until the convention is anybody’s guess.
Romney still has Louisiana to contend with however, polls in that state point to Santorum to take it by a slight margin. Santorum has the very conservative, evangelical base to thank for that.